don't you all just hate it when you've done something wrong or haven't completed something and someone decides you need to be told what you have or haven't done? its like 'duh i know what i did, sorry?'
how else do you respond to someone who you know who is criticsing you? sorry? thank you? like 'thanks alot for telling me i did something wrong even though i already know what i did, i guess you don't think im smart enough to think for myself'
when your a little kid you get that sorta crap ALL the in grocery stores when you pick out a sugary cereal and a complete stranger say 'oh don't get that. thats not good for you'... well DUH!!!! thats why i wanted it!?!
today i was in exactly one of these most people i get pissed....but obviously also embarassed. but for some odd reason i also feel guilty.....
my friend who lives down the street from me left for hawaii the other day and im taking care of their border collie and bird for them. now to understand border collies, you must realize that they are fucking sutpid smart. also for the female collies, when they get pissed or grumpy, like for instance when their family leaves them to go to hawaii, they aren't very happy. so i go over to their house late last night at about 12 to close their side door and put their dog inside. so its dark and cold and i don't have a flash light so im creeping around their backyard trying to find their dog and put her inside. i finally give up and lock their door and go to leave. but as im leaving i see by the side of their house through their gate, their dog, laying in the corner. so she wags her tail when i go over. so i decide to try again and get her inside, i go around back and she comes to me when i get to the side of the house, wagging her tail letting me pet her, so then i tell her its time to go in the house and she goes back into the corner, i go over to grab her and she snaps at me and growls, and if you've ever been growled at by a full grown border collie its kinda scary, especially in the dark, cuz if she getst the chance she'll bite me, and i know that. so i get some of her treats and her ball and try to coax her out, and by this time ive been over there a good 45 minutes its past 1 am and im tired. i close their side door lock their front door and wait outside a few more minutes to see if she barks at all, she doesn't i go home and stand on our balcony listening to see if she'll make any noise, nothing.... so tired as i am i go to bed finally... now this morning i get up at 9 just for her, so i can let her in the house and take her for a run. when i get back, their neighbor, who also is my neighbor because we all live on the same street, tells me 'rachel you left maya out all night last night and she barked all night long. you really need to put her inside, we have company over and it was very irritating. if you can't just knock on our  door and we'll come help you.'
the first thing i wanted to say was 'i wasn't home till 12 last night and after that i didn't hear her bark at all.' but i didn't, the 'we'll help you' was a nice touch but she might've reworded it to be slightly less aggressive and friendlier, the look she had on her face.......... she's a nice lady and all, but all the people that live down there at the end of our street only seem to like eachother, they seem to have a secret pact to ignore the rest of the street and only invite those 5 families to their special dinner parties and events, and because my best friend is the only other young person under 55 i go to them all to provide companionship for my good friend. so i know alllll about their secret discluding cookie trading parties and craft events and how some of them like to complain about the other neighbors, but oh no they can't complaing about my family cuz i m there.
well any whoooo
now i can't bear to look at that lady without thinking how she corrected my mistake of not wanting to get eaten alive by a lonely angry dog. and plus when my friends family gets back that neighbor will tell them how it went and say i didn't put their dog inside the first night, and now they won't want to let me take care of their house again.
ya i did something wrong, and adults enjoy the power they have to tell young adults when they are doing something wrong, but do you seriously need to make us feel worse about ourselves? like REALLY?!? i mean for one many of us are overworked with school, along with holding part time jobs, and we are constantly corrected and critized not only by adults but by our peers to, so why don't you just through your comments at us to, ya go on add to that huge heap of depressing comments and thoughts we've already had thrown at us. thanks....ya thanks alot to all you stupid adults who think that we need to be told what to do or what we did wrong.
well thats all i have to say on that manner
and one more thing my brother is an annoying pain in my butt!!! and for the past 2 hours has been asking to go on the computer to play some stupid game he downloaded, when he has over 3 games to play on our wii, kinect, xbox 360, or playstations, but noooooo he has to use the computer
ok then thats enough complaing on my end good bye for now
oh and ps i got to see maroon 5 and train in concert and they were fucking AMAZING!!!!!


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