Traveling and literature

Well hello inter world! I'm currently in my family's motor home on a summer road trip involving lots f driving and heat and nasty food and along with that heat comes dry skin and frizzy hair... But it also brings amazing photographs and views some of the national parks in Utah take my breath away of course for people loving in Utah in sure they aren't tgat special but it's for me as it would be for them to go to California and see the ocean. I don't if that makes any sense but it does for me. But truthfully the canyons and red rock and open fields and trees and roaming herds really make me want to move here :)
So yes ca ifs great but I'm a Californian and I would rather live here! I'm sure it may not last long but it would still be wonderful
Today at a gas station I saw this old red pickup and thought cool photo then the most adorable puppy popped its head out the driver can window I nearly died! I obviously took a photo hopefully the owner didn't find me creepy but honestly I don't care and I have one of those open friendly and innocent and kind faces/personalities so I wasn't worried about getting in trouble most people tend to get mad and then forget why they r mad when they talk to me which I think is kinda special. But I'm also incredibly naive and almost kind and caring to a fault but while my family and a few friends may mock me or think its a fault I think it's the rest of the world at fault. Everyone else needs to be more caring and kind not less. 
So you all know my family and I are tracking up to Glacier National Park which I think is in Wyoming? Not sure... Yellowstone which I'm pretty sure is in S. Dakota and maybe Mt. Rushmore
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Next part: literature
So I love reading a lot. I seriously could read for days inside outside any time any day... I love it
I love how you ring to life a whole new world in your mind and experience new adventures and even may get ideas about things you may want to try. I love all books too all types. I really like the classics like the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen... I'm working my way through reading more of these authors but I've read a few from the authors I've listed and I've even read twilight I don't feel the need to defend my reasons for reading it but I'm not going to suggest it, I was 13 when I read all the books and while I loved the plot when I was 16 I tried rereading them and I could get through the first few chapters because honestly I'd begun reading more classic and sophisticated books and well the language and syntax were a big bland and underdeveloped. But even at 19 I love reading teen novels I don't care that I'm the only girl in Barnes & Noble in the teen book aisle over 15 I like the books I like! I recently read Veronica Roth who wrote Divergent, Insurgent and the anticipated Allegiant. They were absolutely and utterly fantastic I highly recommend them! I got the first book for Christmas and since have read it 4 times. 
Most recently I reread all the books by my favorite author when I was younger: Tamora Pierce. She writes fantasy books but I love all of them especially the Trickster series and Immortals series. But currently I've been obsessing over Cassandra Clare. She the Mortal Instruments series and the Infernal Devices I already read through all the Mortal Instruments that are available (1-5) and I've begun the Infernal Devices. They are let me think of the right word...obsessive?magical?fantastic? I'm not sure which word to use but I love them. But whilst reading The Infernal Devices I somewhat attached myself to a specific character I tend to do this when I read I pick one or two characters whom I simply am more intrigued with then the others an dog course I want "my" characters to end happy. Well in the case of this series I picked a boy Will and well at first it seemed he was troubled and even though its fiction I'm a sucker for dark haired boys with problems and he seemed to be romantically involved with the main character a girl, Tessa. But in the second book she becomes invoked with his best friend instead. I was literally dying halfway through the second book and couldn't stand the idea of qWill not being happy and while I really liked the other boy as well, Jem, it was upsetting. Now I do occasionally do this in tv series and book series where I have invested myself in the characters I peek ahead using Wikipedia and if I don't like the ending I stop. Now this may seem odd or even frustrating bit knowing and ending but I would much rather make up my own. Here again I will mention my personality; all the affor mentioned things are true but all those characteristic also cause me to be extremely responsive to others' pain, in other words I may possibly be the most empathetic and sympathetic person in the world. While I know these words don't mean the same think I am both and while I am aware there are other sympathetics/empaths I have yet to meet any at my level. Meaning that when a book is sad I become depressed, when something happy happens I become joyful for days smiling, and even in real life if I see a stranger crying I'm immediately drawn to them and begin to well up myself before even talking I them. When I read Old Yeller in 3rd grade I cried for days after the dog died. And when I read Thirteen Reasons Why I became depressed not seriously but in a lighter sense I stopped reading for a month became less active begun taking naps until finally I started a new book. And whenever I watch My girl I ball, I don't cry I actually sit on my couch clutching a blanket to my chest wailing at least 6 different points in the movie, I once watched it with a friend and she was so distressed by my reaction she became concerned for me thinking something was actually wrong since then I watch it alone. Even now I'm on the verge of tears thinking about it... Well this has turned into quite a looooong post and seein how it is almost midnight I'm not going to spoil what I found out about the ending of the infernal devices but I will tell you it distresses me and I am unsure if I will continue reading I just can't help it if I am on of those people who truly believes in and has faith in happily ever afters. So good night world and I hope this leaves you with an odd sense of relief that you aren't not me conflicted by the trivial lives of make believe characters. On a last note if I do continue reading I will have Emma and Pride and Prejudice at the ready which are both my instant happy pills both the movies me books. Have a lovely evening and life! And whoever you are reading this I hope u can take amusement from my words and have a wonderous day and consider my earlier words that maybe some characteristics youhave  you should take pride in and that you are not the one who should change but those around, but don't abandon those people don't, show them how instead!

This photo is one I took while driving just a little glimpse I the immense meadows and magnificent wildlife!


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