Welcome 2014!

Well it's been awhile...
Let's recap. December happened, and the holidays, then New Years, and now it's nearly the end of January. And I haven't posted once. Now I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what happened! I made plans for December posts, and even photographed and finished some, I just never wrote the posts so all the crafts, recipes and ideas I had will be saved for next year. As for now, happy 2014 to you all!

Upcoming, now this will actually happen seeing as how I have already completed one of these posts but it is saved as a draft, I am going to be posting 3 outfit ideas for Valentines day. They will be posted at either the near end of January or beginning of February and will be posted separately.

Now for the real post:
You all know what New Year Resolutions are, or at least you should.... Many of you may have made them in the past I used to say to myself I would do this or that this year but it always seemed to put a lot of pressure on that idea. So instead I boycott New Years resolutions, I don't believe they truly exist, people make wishes for their futures but they never happen. So I changed it up, during the year I make monthly goals for myself, to maybe drink less soda, or no diet soda. And because they are usually simple tasks and aren't as onimous as lasting an entire year I usually accomplish them, and if you go a month without eating or doing something unhealthy usually once the month is up you are in a healthier routine and don't need to go back. For instance I rarely if ever drink diet soda anymore and instead opt for water, a much healthier and more hydrating choice. Of course your "goals" don't have to be health oriented, other goals I have made for myself are based on school, my family or my friends. To maybe avoid bad influences, or to even do more things with good influences. But every year I do make a promise to myself to be positive, not just for myself but also for people around me, it makes my life happier and I hope those around me too, I think this is a simple goal everyone should strive for. And positivity is different for every person so don't feel obligated to always smile, because their will be shitty days where you really just want to scream and cry and that's just fine and dandy!
But while I don't like resolutions this year I did make a list of 2014 goals, that I wrote on a piece of paper and posted on my front door so everyday I see them and remember them. Other people put a photo of their goals/resolutions as a phone screen saver or background so they see them whenever they use their phone, but because I don't like to be too technologically dependent I prefer my paper.

Well good luck to you all with your New Year and the best of wishes. I hope this is the year for you and all your goals and dreams! I'm sure it will be for all of us!

Just some words of wisdom to keep in mind (I may post these at the end of each post I'm not sure, maybe not, just everyone once in awhile):
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
- Michelle Phan


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