
Let's talk about what a brand is real fast...
To a brand is what you are or what you represent. For me when I view my blog I don't really appreciate the brand that I seem to be putting out there, its not really who I am or what I want to represent.

In all efforts at honesty I'm going to be clear, I'm going to try steering my blog into a more lifestyle direction, pictures of daily things, and every once in a while a craft or project, possibly something clothing or design related. But also I'm going to include more personal things such as emotional/mental issues and things about me.

I'm going to begin at the bottom and work my way up.
I've recently found that living my life truthfully makes me happy. This may seem simply to many of you but to me it's a little difficult. I am a Christian and in the last year of so I've gained many incredible friendships through God that make me happy and feel comfortable. Because of this I feel as though I'm lying to myself when I spend time with my other friends doing or saying things that aren't me or that I'm not comfortable with. 
I feel the need to hide my religion so that I don't make others around me uncomfortable, and that isn't what I want to do or should do. The Bible says to share your faith with others and rejoice in God, but when I hide and ignore my Christianity in front of others I feel gross inside, like I am dirty or have slime inside me, I'm sure many of you can relate to this icky feeling, you may feel it when you have to do something you don't like, or when you are gossiping. 

Now that I've gotten that out there I want to establish that I'm going to include my love of God in my blog from now on, not in every post but frequently. I go to church every sunday and volunteer at my church with youth activities and choir, it's a big part of my life.

But it's not the only thing I am, I also I'm kind and believe that my life should be spent helping others, I also have an incredibly guilty conscience, I know when I've done something wrong, and once I've realized my mistake I'm not okay with it, I want to make it right.
And if you've seen my other posts you may have gathered that I love clothes, and shoes. But also crafting and reading and Netflixing... I'm secretly an old lady, I like scrap booking and knitting and looking at pictures...

I'm also always changing, every day I realize I act a little different, it does always depend on how my day is going, but I'm realizing that I'm becoming more mature, but I'm still very young at heart, I didn't live out my craziness in High School so I still have a lot left, but I don't use it too often.

Just a few more things, I really only wanted this post to be a quick short note but apparently I don't do quick or short. 
I am 21, I work full time as a preschool teacher, but I also go to school.
Those three things mean that I may not always post as often as I want on my blog, but I want to keep it at the minimum of at least once a week.
Thats it for now, except for one of my favorite Bible verses:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord ,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you..."
Jeremiah 29:11-14a

Maybe I'll say one day why its one of my favorites...

So long!

xoxo RC


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