Picture Board DIY

In today's DIY a stapler is going to be your best friend. When seething refuses to stay put your good ole friend staple wi be there to help you out! But be mindful because if you drop any on the ground they are a (fill in explitive here) to step on!
So awhile ago I decided I wanted a gallery wall over my desk. And I wanted a more personally touch but not just picture frames. So instead I decided if could just make a board for pictures instead.. Well while this craft took barely anytime it did take me awhile to get around to it... Don't get me wrong it is fast and easy, for the most part, I just haven't had time! But I finally got around to it so I decided to share my idea with y'all!
- core board (or cardboard)
- glue/strong adhesive (I used cement glue)
- string/ribbon
- scissors
- stapler (a MUST, or tape)
- some type of decorative cover (scrapbook paper, paint, wallpaper, or a map in my case)
- decorative elements...( I used alphabet stamps but I also had glitter tape and stickers but decided to take a different route...)

First off I used an old atlas and cut out a map (I used 2 pages) big enough to cover your board.
Make sure to measure the paper before beginning the glueing process, because you may end up with not enough like I almost did on one of my edges... I used paste but you can really use an adhesive you want, but I must warn you that white glue can make things warped once they dry, this Elmer's paste doesn't (it might be called cement or something).

I used an old frame to put around my board, partly for decoration but also to hold everything in place. 
You don't need to use a border but I think it adds a nice touch, that is unless you like things clean cut.

Both of these items I bought from the $1 area of target, I didn't end up using them, but they are still really cute and I good idea to use for other things (card making, scrap-booking..)

I bought these alphabet stamps from Michaels' awhile back, they are really great and I've used them tons since I got them. It was pretty perfect because they were on sale! This ink pad is just black and left over from an art class I took, its also purchased from Michaels', but I think Beverlys carries them as well.

I love these little words, not so much quotes, but they just added something to the board, the bottom one "live the adventure" is actually from a Youtuber named Louis Cole who really lives life to the fullest, always traveling and adventuring.

This Dusty Rose colored yarn is from $1 area of Target as well, I love the craft stuff they put there! I just wrapped it around the entire board (front and back) and then secured it in place with staples, as well as some glue blobs.

My technique is hardly professional but I tried anchoring the beginning of the string and then at each cross over I did an X, or at least attempted it...

Ta Da! Magic!
This is what mine looks like! I was going to put it on my wall but instead I placed it atop my dresser and leaned it on the wall, I like the look of it there plus less holes in my wall!
I also just bought a polaroid camera and I think those pictures will look really cute displayed here, but my goodness the film is expensive for those!
Just in case you were wondering, and if like me you are a nosy nellie, I will tell you what is currently on there!
There are 3 small pictures. I'll start with the top one, that is me on my 18th birthday when I was in France celebrating with my friends Michelle and Agathe. The picture on the right edge is Agathe and I in Guernsey, England; its one the islands in the English Channel. We are jumping and dancing in an odd circle indented in the ground, there was a lot of Neolithic artifacts there but this one wasn't marked with a sign and there wasn't any information on it so we really don't know what it was. The last one is the polaroid of me with two of my friends on a nature walk where I live. My friend Linda was visiting from San Diego where she attends university, and she was only there for one day, we took three polaroids one for each of us to commemorate the day!
There are also 3 postcards, 2 are vintage ones of Paris that my grandmother gave me and the other is one that I bought when we were in Agathe's home town in France.
The last thing is just a FreePeople tag in the corner, its really only there because its pretty and I like floral and FreePeople. Also I've always loved fashion designing and if I ever do become a designer I want to work for their brand.

Well thanks for sticking with me through
this long ramble! Its not like most DIY posts
you might see because I like describing the steps
because I always get lost or confused when it
 comes to DIY! Enjoy your day and stay lovely!
So long until next time!

xoxo RC


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