Blog redesigning and starting over....

Well now here I am again, starting what I'm hoping to be an actual account of my life that will continue, instead of starting, then stopping, then starting up again and then once again stopping. We'll just have to wait and see I guess....
There exists a certain level of fantasy with a blog... It allows for one's inner thoughts and ideas to flow freely to the minds of others without embarrassment or disgrace, other then the occasionally troller who feels the need to obsessively leave monologue length comments on everything....seriously dude? GET A LIFE!!
Well my post today is not about trollers, that would cause for too much attention and too many needless comments, not trying to be critical or rude to any trollers out there, I apologize. I am just going to reintroduce myself to the blogging community, because well, I am starting fresh in a sense. So while I may not be consistent, I did change the look of my blog and the content, somewhat. Now as a warning much of what I write here may be complaints and whining about stupid high school drama, soon to turn into college drama, and towards any of you mislead middle schoolers, even if you think drama leaves you when you enter the big world of High School, let me assure you that it does NOT, it in fact gets worse because you get to through in new people, new relationships, new teachers and a new place. Sounds fun doesn't it? well it actually really is, and the next few months are going to be full of nostalgia for me as I wander down the halls with slow, emotional, classical moving music playing in my head. Because I am a dork and deserve to do this because I am a senior so NO ONE may laugh! You either have all had these type of moments or will so don't look upon me with pity or shame!
Ok well now that my rambling on that topic is over (not to say I won't ramble again), I might as well say, that my way of writing is slightly intriguing or at least to my mind, and if it isn't to you then well what are you doing reading this!?! Screw you and do something else! well actually don't screw yourself because that is NOT a mental image I want in my head, and secondly I apologize, I am actually a very kind and overall well liked person, that uses very few crude words, but since none of you know me in person my online persona may change a little. But I do in fact sound like this when I talk, I do ramble, I do say random things like hippos should be purple, because well they should, and I do compliment people at 20 times every day otherwise I wouldn't feel like my friendliness for the day would be fulfilled. So to all of you out there reading this I compliment you, on reading this and on your clothing/hair/makeup/smile/etc...
Well now, I feel like I've written a sufficient amount... don't you? this is my introduction, my very own monologue/soliloquy if you please. And while I am a smart cookie, AP classes and all that smarty-pants stuff, I do like to indulge myself. So do not judge, do not even think of it, because I am not alone! For I am now going to publish this and leave my computer's side to head to my TV to watch Jersey Shore, which is funny and emotional and yes even a little ridiculous, but who cares? it's entertaining!!!!
Bye now then, or as my french friends would say, arrive derci


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