50 Facts About Me!

50 facts about me

Now I feel like 50 facts seems like a lot, or at least to me it does. But it really isn't is it? Considering how much there is to just one person you could probably have thousands of facts! I haven't posted anything in a while and I thought it would be nice to just do a talk to you post like I used to do when I first started my blog! So here are 50 facts about me!

1) I have 2 younger siblings (17 & 9)
2) I'm a super loyal person, like you could be really mean to me but if you are my friend I'll forgive you...
3)...but if you are mean to a friend or family member of mine? seriously watch your back, because I might seem nice, but I can be hella mean
4) I probably can't truly be mean, but I sure would try to be
5) I'm one of those people who doesn't truly get embarrassed, I might feel embarrassed for other people but for myself, I usually just don't care
6) I am extremely empathetic, I'm always able to tell how people around me are feeling and I always know how to respond and help them
7) I am super friendly, even if I have no idea who you are I'll still talk to you. I'm one of those people who when I step on the elevator with a stranger I introduce myself and talk to them.
8) I hate bullies, I will always stand up for the little guy no matter who they are, because I know that no matter who the person is they ended up that way for a reason and that they weren't always that way
9) I always see the good in people, and while I don't like bullies I'm always nice to them
10) I don't believe in being mean to people, you don't get anything out of it
11) But one time when I was extremely frustrated with someone I knew, I spilled her juice on her
12) I love my iPhone, but I have no problem leaving it in my room all day
13) I very rarely, if ever check my facebook
14) I'm a messy person. I strive to be organized, its not that I like the mess its just that well, I'm worried that if I start to clean it won't end how I want it
15) I'm scared to try things that I'm afraid won't turn out how I want
16) Therefore (refer to 15) I'm slightly a control freak, not a mean one where I tell people what to do, but the nice kind who offer to do everything so its done my way, which usually no one cares unless they too are a control freak like me, in which case I will gladly share the work
17) I don't like cussing, but I do it in my head
18) I believe in God, and while sometimes I worry about things like religion, the one thing I always believe in no matter what, is that religion is about love and compassion and I try my very hardest to spread that to others.
19) I love reading
20) I love mugs
21) I love tea, specifically english breakfast tea and peppermint tea from Twinings; both are amazing especially the Peppermint it's very calming and wonderful you should try it
22) I don't just like things, I usually love them
23) I love people and my friends a lot
24) The world makes me sad, very sad sometimes
25) I don't understand the mean things that happen in the world and I wish they would stop, so ever since I was little I've always worked towards helping people
26) I can't believe I'm only half way done
27) I'm going to college to become a Special Education teacher, or Occupational Therapist
28) I really badly want to live in England
29) I will gladly lay down my life for the people I love
30) Something I want more then anything in the world, is for everyone I know and love to be happy
31) The next thing I want is to fall in love (because who doesn't want that)
32) I'm very.... odd? Just look at my profile picture
33) I love traveling!
34) I have anxiety
35) I have issues with saddness, therefore I always try to be as positive as possible
36) I'm very good at acting/lying, in that I could be so depressed inside but no one could even know because I act like the happiest person ever
37) I love fashion, and designing clothing
38) I love art! So very much!
39) I'm very enthusiastic!
40) I'm typing this in the dark
41) I like making up words!
42) I love to sing or hum in the shower, if no ones around its very loud, and usually Disney
43) I have issues with Netflix, I love it too much
44) I love shoes, I have wayyyyyy too many, I will one day do a shoe collection post
45) I just started a YouTube channel
46) I have a cat (named Yuki)
47) I have only ever truly hated a select handful of people (and that covers all people of all time, not just people I personally know)
48) I have trained myself to forget sad things that have happened to me
49) I love love love the rain!
50) I love hugs!

So thats 50 things! Some are randomly placed, and what not, and others are a bit sad (sorry). One more thing, have you ever had a place holder word? Were when you're mind goes blank it just pops into your head? Mine is hippo... I don't even no where it came from....
So long and Farewell!!!


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