maybe bored and over obsessive.....?.... :/

not trying to seem to, in to my blog.....but I'm choosing to post on here instead of doing my english project on Angela's Ashes.
Great choice huh? yes. I pride myself in procrastinating to a level of almost expert.
Well for any of you who have ever read Angela's Ashes hopefully you understand my predicament. Not that it is a bad book, it is just that after awhile of reading depressing fact after depressing fact I get a little tired and sad. Also I tend to get somewhat of a writer's block, but more of a mind block or in a sense like hitting a "wall", whatever you choose to call it, I can't process thoughts anymore.
I am glad for this school year to be coming to an end because if you have ever been in AP 11 English, practically all the books are sad. We have read The Color Purple, The Grapes of Wrath, Huckleberry Finn (which was not particularly sad, I just wasn't a fan) and now Angela's Ashes. Not including the books we read independently.
Done for now. Guess I'll get back to work...


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