
How cool would it be to...
Do something you've never done before? I don't know but I think it would be awesome if everyone did something new every day, it would ensure that you'd never have a boing life!
Well this is my plan:
My New Years resolution was too keep a journal and everyday do something new, but seeing how I kinda didn't, I decided I would just start doing it any month I choose my plan is too
1) buy a camera
2) buy a journal
3) record what I do
The camera I so I can videotape whatever activity I do each day and start a YouTube channel!
I think that it would be super fun! To have a YouTube channel I don't know but I think that it would be nice to have recordings of my life just for fun to look back on... Also I love watching YouTubers I think they are just super fun and nice! And I have a lot I similarities to a few if them so I think that there's a chance someone might be interested enough to learn about me and watch stuff I do, granted I'm not as pretty as many of them but everyone is beautiful inwardly well not everyone but I don't think that would stop people from watching.... But who knows when this will happen
Probably not for awhile because the camera I want is $700 so we'll see... But I also want a flip camera for bringing around with me if the activity I do is something outside...
Well that's all folks!


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