Sports, phone calls and boys...

Well now my title is pretty self explanatory.
So today I thought I would jut talk about what I've done because I'm obviously an extremely interesting person! Well anyway lately I've been trying to spend more time doing stuff instead of just sitting at home doing nothing. So today I went somewhere I've actually never been before. It's a small hidden shopping area with just a few stores in town. I went there to get some parts for my guitar, which I got a few years ago when my grandfather died, it was his but he never played it. It's actually from Germany so I've had some issues with finding parts tht will fix it because it needs some new pegs. And I finally found a guy who fixes and makes guitars and he actually had some interesting things to tell me, for one my guitar is apparently quite rare because the base is made of maple. Well anyway got some pegs and strings, now I'm ready to play!
Second thing of the day, I'm high school I played tennis on my schools team but even though I'm good and not just me saying this but I honestly could play well and had a wicked serve I had self esteem issues and constantly played mind games with myself on top of that I'm too nice to play such a competitive sport I constantly complimented my opponent, also I'm too empathetic so I would start to play nicer so the other player would hv a better chance. Well even with my issues I had a lot of fun, well because I played my brother also plays and today I watched his math, which overall his team lost by a lot but he one all 3 of his sets which is half of his teams points! So congrats brother!
Second was phone calls. Now while this may seem like an odd thing to be able to talk about it really isn't. While texting is nice I will always prefer an actual conversation and preferably face to face which isn't always possible, especially when u are in college and all your friends live different places! Well my best friend who is coincidentally my neighbour who've I've known since I was 2. Well today we actually tried calling each other and failed a total of 8 times. She left me 4 voicemails and finally we decided to just talk tomorrow morning. But still isn't that sad?
Lastly boys... So u might think this has something to do with boys my own age or ones I might like or be dating... Well nope. Actually this is about 2 little boys and don't worry I'm not a creeper! I babysit them and they are ages 4 and 3! They are both blonde and quite adorable! Like most boys they both want to talk all the time and its hard to tell what they are saying umm like all the time! But they are still super cute! The younger one can't say my name right so instead he says Richard which may make u wonder what my name is well its Rachel so I told him how to pronounce my name and he tried and practiced for almost an hour and he finally said " I tried but I really can't! I'm sorry Richard!" So I think that's adorable!
Well that's my post for today! I hope u enjoyed my rather random stories!


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