Gorgeous day, gorgeous life!

I love SUNNY days! Another day of babysitting! I love kids and I use to always want to have my own kids but for anyone crazy enough to want to get pregnant now without any planning or anything just try babysitting! Because seriously your motherly instinct will be fulfilled! So ya plus it makes u enjoy your youth so much more! But I love babysitting! That's why I do it so much!
But other than that I didn't have a very interesting day... I overslept and ended up sleeping in till 12 waking up and then falling asleep again and waking up and thinking I should get up but then I decided to sleep more... Lazy morning...
Than I spend some time with my grandma and got my sister from school because there is quite a significant age gap between so she's only in 2nd grade or 8 years old if u will! Than I went for a run so nice and refreshing, than funny story. So I was running on a nature walkway so there were wooden benches along the way I stop at them and do lunges jumps and step and push ups... So I stopped at one and went to do a push up and my arms collapsed an I bonked my forehead and bruised my knee, you can't actually see my forehead but my knee was bumped pretty hard on the bone so it doesn't have a nasty bruise but it is quite painful plus I decided to run the rest of the way home because I was running late for babysitting!(pun intended :) ps I put a picture below but my iPhone didn't want to focus so its not great...
Saw a few lizards too! And bunny rabbits!
Well any who going shopping tomorrow maybe I'll find something nice...
Nighty night! Bye now!


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