Hello once more to the unknown universe of online readers

So I have trained maintaining a blog simply for the fun of it, trying to make it a certain theme or such, when in reality its like an online journal that I, and I say this loosely, occasionally write in.
Well it is mostly for my benefit just so I can keep tabs on myself and see what I've done. I also want to try vlogging of course I need a good camera for that so one day....
Here is just a little background of myself
I am a quirky odd fashion-loving 19 year old girl. I go to College and I want to be a teacher and travel the world. My favorite things in life are helping others and volunteering - which many may not count as a hobby but I love being able to give to people who have nothing; I also love fashion, alot, I actually design clothes in my freetime and if I wanted I could probably go to FIDM for fashion design, my design teacher thought i would definitely get in, but it's more of one of those fun things you do with your extra time... I also love makeup, I'm obsessed with youtube makeup guru's, that is how alot of time every day is wasted. Well that and obsessing over my iphone, and yes One Direction, I am not ashamed, I am in love, and I will tell anyone and everyone who cares to know; I also play quite alot of templerun, its a sadly addictive waste of time. I also love photography, which is why I want to by a kick ass canon camera and take awesome photos, but once again I don't have a job, I am a college student, so I am poor :(  but not as much as others so I don't really pity myself, at all. It's just fun to complain.
I hope whoever's reading this finds this interesting... If you think that this is just an overexageration of myself you are wrong, it is an under exaggeration... I don't think that's a word but I just made it one so there! I am very spasdic and if anyone meets me in person I am an in your face person, loud voice and personality and yes, I am one of those annoying people who makes weird faces and noises, and hates silence so I fill silence with odd noises and accents, it's just who I am.
Also I am literally unbelievably empathetic to the point where my friends have called me pathetic, also i am sympathetic they kind of go hand in hand, but when someone has a certain emotion it directly affects my emotions almost instantly, like if they are crying I begin to cry, same goes for laughing, and I don't even need to know why.
I also have a cat, I felt like that was important to include, so bye now.


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